...or perish
This is a curated list of publications. You can find all of them in Google Scholar or DBLP. You can check my preprints at arXiv, although I'm including here a couple of relevant ones plus other types of publications.
2020- Jungherr, Andreas; Rivero, Gonzalo; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2020). Retooling Politics: How Digital Media Are Shaping Democracy. Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 9781108419406. Google Books Preview, .
2001- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Cueva Lovelle, Juan Manuel; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2001). Fundamentos de informática general. Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Oviedo. ISBN: 848317250X.
1998- López Pérez, Benjamín; Loyola, Germán Morales; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (1998). Diseño de páginas Web usando lenguaje HTML. ISBN: 8484978036.
Book chapters
2017- Eskisabel-Azpiazu, Amaia; Cerezo-Menéndez, Rebeca; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2017). An Ethical Inquiry into Youth Suicide Prevention Using Social Media Mining. In Michael Zimmer and Katarina Kinder-Kurlanda (Eds.), Internet Research Ethics for the Social Age. Peter Lang. Full book, .
2015- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2015). Political Opinion. In Y. Mejova, I. Weber, & M. Macy (Eds.), Twitter: A Digital Socioscope (pp. 52-74). Cambridge University Press. Citations, Book website, Google Books Preview, Invited blog post at The Plot, .
2012- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2012). ¿Es Twitter un nuevo "Literary Digest"? No, No se pueden predecir elecciones con Twitter. In La comunicación política y las nuevas tecnologías (pp. 176-199). Los Libros de la Catarata.
Papers in journals
2021- Fernández-Álvarez, Daniel; Labra Gayo, Jose Emilio; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2021). Automatic extraction of shapes using sheXer. Knowledge-Based Systems. .
- Fernández-Álvarez, Daniel; Frey, Johannes; Labra Gayo, Jose Emilio; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Hellmann, Sebastian (2021). Approaches to measure class importance in Knowledge Graphs. PLOS ONE, 16(6), e0252862. .
2017- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2017). Social Media Won’t Free Us. IEEE Internet Computing, 21(04), 98-101. JCR 2016 impact factor: 1.521, , .
- Daniel Fernández-Álvarez, Jose Emilio Labra Gayo, Daniel Gayo-Avello and Patricia Ordóñez de Pablos (2017). MERA: A Musical Entities Reconciliation Architecture Based on Semantic Technologies. International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS), 13(4).
2015- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2015). Social Media, Democracy, and Democratization. IEEE Multimedia, 22(2), 10-16. JCR 2015 impact factor: 1.361, Author's version, Video (in Spanish), Citations, , .
2013- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2013). Nepotistic relationships in Twitter and their impact on rank prestige algorithms. Information Processing & Management, 49(6), 1250-1280. JCR 2013 impact factor: 1.069, Preprint version, , Citations.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Hevia Vázquez, Sonia; Suárez Torrente, María del Carmen; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2013). Un estudio sobre el absentismo y el abandono en asignaturas de programación. ReVisión, 6(1).
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2013). A meta-analysis of state-of-the-art electoral prediction from Twitter data. Social Science Computer Review, 31(6), 649-679. JCR 2013 impact factor: 1.542, Author's version, Citations, , .
- Schoen, Harald; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Metaxas, Panagiotis Takis; Mustafaraj, Eni; Strohmaier, Markus; Gloor, Peter (2013). The power of prediction with social media. Internet Research, 23(5), 528-543. JCR 2013 impact factor: 1.638, Authors' version, Citations, , .
2012- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2012). No, you cannot predict elections with Twitter. Internet Computing, IEEE, 16(6), 91-94. JCR 2012 impact factor: 2.039, Author's version by permission of IEEE, Citations, , .
2011- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Brenes, David J.; Fernández-Fernández, Diego; Fernández-Menéndez, María E; García-Suárez, Rodrigo (2011). De retibus socialibus et legibus momenti. EPL (Europhysics Letters), 94(3), 38001. JCR 2011 impact factor: 2.171, Extended version (arXiv), Companion slides, Citations, , .
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2011). Don't turn social media into another 'Literary Digest' poll. Communications of the ACM, 54(10), 121-128. JCR 2011 impact factor: 1.919, Author's version by permission of the ACM, Companion slides, Citations, , .
2009- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2009). A survey on session detection methods in query logs and a proposal for future evaluation. Information Sciences, 179(12), 1822-1843. JCR 2009 impact factor: 3.291, Author's version, Citations, , .
- Brenes, David J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2009). Stratified analysis of AOL query log. Information Sciences, 179(12), 1844-1858. JCR 2009 impact factor: 3.291, Authors' version, Citations, .
Papers in conferences and workshops
2019- González Hevia, Alejandro; Cerezo Menéndez, Rebeca and Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2019). Analyzing the use of existing systems for the CLPsych 2019 Shared Task. In CLPSYCH 2019. Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology Workshop. Author's version, Library source code.
2013- Mendoza, Marcelo; Poblete, Barbara; Bravo-Marquez, Felipe; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2013). Long-memory time series ensembles for concept shift detection. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Big Data, Streams and Heterogeneous Source Mining: Algorithms, Systems, Programming Models and Applications (pp. 23-30). ACM.
2012- Bravo-Marquez, Felipe; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Mendoza, Marcelo; Poblete, Barbara (2012). Opinion dynamics of elections in Twitter. In Web Congress (LA-WEB), 2012 Eighth Latin American (pp. 32-39). IEEE. Slides (by F. Bravo-Márquez), .
2011- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2011). All liaisons are dangerous when all your friends are known to us. In Proceedings of the 22nd ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia (pp. 171-180). ACM. CORE 2013 Rank: A, Preprint, Slides, Citations, , .
- Metaxas, Panagiotis Takis; Mustafaraj, Eni; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2011). How (not) to predict elections. In Privacy, security, risk and trust (PASSAT), 2011 IEEE third international conference on and 2011 IEEE third international conference on social computing (SocialCom) (pp. 165-171). IEEE. Authors' version, , .
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Metaxas, Panagiotis; Mustafaraj, Eni (2011). Limits of electoral predictions using Twitter. In Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media. Barcelona, Spain. AAAI. Authors' version, Citations, Poster, Poster cover.
2010- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Brenes, David J. (2010). Overcoming Spammers in Twitter -- A Tale of Five Algorithms. In I Congreso Español de Recuperación de Información. Actas del congreso. Extended version (arXiv), Slides, Citations.
- Brenes, David J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; García, Rodrigo (2010). On the fly query segmentation using snippets. In Proc. of CERI'10 (pp. 259-266). Extended version (arXiv).
2009- Brenes, David J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Pérez-González, Kilian (2009). Survey and evaluation of query intent detection methods. In Proceedings of the 2009 workshop on Web Search Click Data (pp. 1-7). ACM. Authors' version, Slides, Video, Dataset, Citations, .
- Fernández-Fernández, Miguel; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2009). Hierarchical Taxonomy Extraction by Mining Topical Query Sessions. In KDIR (pp. 229-235). Authors' version, Slides by M. Fernández-Fernández.
2008- Brenes, David J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2008). Automatic detection of navigational queries according to Behavioural Characteristics. In LWA (pp. 41-48). Authors' version.
2007- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Vázquez, Sonia Hevia; Torrente, María del Carmen Suárez; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2007). Un estudio sobre el absentismo y el abandono en asignaturas de programación. In XIII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Authors' version.
2005- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2005). Application of variable length n-gram vectors to monolingual and bilingual information retrieval. In Multilingual Information Access for Text, Speech and Images (pp. 73-82). Springer. Authors' version, Slides, Citations.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Vinuesa Martínez, Luis; Álvarez Fernández, Alberto Manuel; Luengo Díez, Mª Cándida (2005). Análisis de los hábitos de trabajo autónomo de los alumnos de cara al sistema de créditos ECTS. In JENUI 2005 - XI Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Thomson. Authors' version.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Labra Gayo, José E.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández Lanvin, Daniel (2005). Static Validation of Business Process Compatibility in Web Services Choreographies. In Engineering Service Compositions (WESC'05) (pp. 85).
2004- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2004). Naive algorithms for keyphrase extraction and text summarization from a single document inspired by the protein biosynthesis process. In Biologically Inspired Approaches to Advanced Information Technology (pp. 440-455). Springer. Authors' version, Slides, Citations, .
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2004). One Size Fits All? A Simple Technique to Perform Several NLP Tasks. In Advances in Natural Language Processing 4th International Conference, EsTAL 2004, J.L. Vicedo et al. (Eds.), LNAI 3230 (pp. 267-278). Authors' version, Slides, Dataset, Citations, .
2003- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández-Cuervo, Hortensia (2003). Online self-assessment as a learning method. In Proceedings. The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2003. (pp. 254-255). IEEE. Authors' version, Extended version, .
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Cernuda-del-Río, Agustín; Gayo-Avello, José; Vinuesa-Martínez, Luis; García-Fernández, Néstor (2003). The cooperative web: a step towards web intelligence. In Web Engineering (pp. 441-444). Springer. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2003). A cooperative paradigm for fighting information overload. In Computer and Information Sciences-ISCIS 2003 (pp. 228-235). Springer. Authors' version.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Cueva Lovelle, Juan Manuel; Díaz Fondón, Marián; García Fuente, Mª Pilar Almudena; Redondo López, José Manuel (2003). Reflexiones y experiencias sobre la enseñanza de POO como único paradigma. In JENUI 2003 - IX Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Thomson. Authors' version, Slides.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2003). Los concursos de programación como herramienta didáctica. In JENUI 2003 - IX Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso.
2002- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez Gutiérrez, Darío (2002). The cooperative web: a complement to the semantic web. In Proceedings. 26th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference, 2002. COMPSAC 2002. (pp. 179-183). IEEE. Authors' version.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández Cuervo, Hortensia (2002). Enseñar informática es como.... In JENUI 2002 - VIII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández Cuervo, Hortensia; Torre Cervigón, Fernando (2002). La autoevaluación como método de aprendizaje. In JENUI 2002 - VIII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez Gutiérrez, Dario; Cueva Lovelle, Juan Manuel (2002). A concept-based retrieval tool: The cooperative Web. In Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2002. IADIS. Authors' version.
2001- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; López Pérez, Benjamín; Labra Gayo, José E. (2001). Desarrollo del portal web de la EU de Ingeniería Técnica en Informática de Oviedo. In VII Jornadas sobre la Enseñanza Universitaria en Informática. JENUI 2001. Actas del congreso. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; López Pérez, Benjamín; Labra Gayo, José E. (2001). Tecnologías web para proveedores de información dinámica. In Congreso Internacional Interacción Persona Ordenador. Interacción 2001. Actas del congreso. Authors' version.
2000- Suárez-Quirós, Javier; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; González-Cobas, Juán David; García-Díaz, Rafael Pedro; Álvarez-Peñín, Pedro Ignacio (2000). Integration of C++ digital processing libraries and VTK through Tcl/Tk dynamic loadable extensions. In Visualization Development Environments 2000 (VDE 2000). Authors' version.
- Suárez Quirós, J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; González Cobas, J.D.; García Díaz, R.P.; Álvarez Peñín, P.I. (2000). Desarrollo de un entorno de visualización 2D y 3D multiplataforma. In XIII Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería Gráfica (CIIG 2000). Actas del congreso. Authors' version.
Preprints and other publications
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Cueva Lovelle, Juan Manuel; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2001). Fundamentos de informática general. Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Oviedo. ISBN: 848317250X.
1998- López Pérez, Benjamín; Loyola, Germán Morales; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (1998). Diseño de páginas Web usando lenguaje HTML. ISBN: 8484978036.
Book chapters
2017- Eskisabel-Azpiazu, Amaia; Cerezo-Menéndez, Rebeca; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2017). An Ethical Inquiry into Youth Suicide Prevention Using Social Media Mining. In Michael Zimmer and Katarina Kinder-Kurlanda (Eds.), Internet Research Ethics for the Social Age. Peter Lang. Full book, .
2015- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2015). Political Opinion. In Y. Mejova, I. Weber, & M. Macy (Eds.), Twitter: A Digital Socioscope (pp. 52-74). Cambridge University Press. Citations, Book website, Google Books Preview, Invited blog post at The Plot, .
2012- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2012). ¿Es Twitter un nuevo "Literary Digest"? No, No se pueden predecir elecciones con Twitter. In La comunicación política y las nuevas tecnologías (pp. 176-199). Los Libros de la Catarata.
Papers in journals
2021- Fernández-Álvarez, Daniel; Labra Gayo, Jose Emilio; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2021). Automatic extraction of shapes using sheXer. Knowledge-Based Systems. .
- Fernández-Álvarez, Daniel; Frey, Johannes; Labra Gayo, Jose Emilio; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Hellmann, Sebastian (2021). Approaches to measure class importance in Knowledge Graphs. PLOS ONE, 16(6), e0252862. .
2017- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2017). Social Media Won’t Free Us. IEEE Internet Computing, 21(04), 98-101. JCR 2016 impact factor: 1.521, , .
- Daniel Fernández-Álvarez, Jose Emilio Labra Gayo, Daniel Gayo-Avello and Patricia Ordóñez de Pablos (2017). MERA: A Musical Entities Reconciliation Architecture Based on Semantic Technologies. International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS), 13(4).
2015- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2015). Social Media, Democracy, and Democratization. IEEE Multimedia, 22(2), 10-16. JCR 2015 impact factor: 1.361, Author's version, Video (in Spanish), Citations, , .
2013- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2013). Nepotistic relationships in Twitter and their impact on rank prestige algorithms. Information Processing & Management, 49(6), 1250-1280. JCR 2013 impact factor: 1.069, Preprint version, , Citations.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Hevia Vázquez, Sonia; Suárez Torrente, María del Carmen; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2013). Un estudio sobre el absentismo y el abandono en asignaturas de programación. ReVisión, 6(1).
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2013). A meta-analysis of state-of-the-art electoral prediction from Twitter data. Social Science Computer Review, 31(6), 649-679. JCR 2013 impact factor: 1.542, Author's version, Citations, , .
- Schoen, Harald; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Metaxas, Panagiotis Takis; Mustafaraj, Eni; Strohmaier, Markus; Gloor, Peter (2013). The power of prediction with social media. Internet Research, 23(5), 528-543. JCR 2013 impact factor: 1.638, Authors' version, Citations, , .
2012- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2012). No, you cannot predict elections with Twitter. Internet Computing, IEEE, 16(6), 91-94. JCR 2012 impact factor: 2.039, Author's version by permission of IEEE, Citations, , .
2011- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Brenes, David J.; Fernández-Fernández, Diego; Fernández-Menéndez, María E; García-Suárez, Rodrigo (2011). De retibus socialibus et legibus momenti. EPL (Europhysics Letters), 94(3), 38001. JCR 2011 impact factor: 2.171, Extended version (arXiv), Companion slides, Citations, , .
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2011). Don't turn social media into another 'Literary Digest' poll. Communications of the ACM, 54(10), 121-128. JCR 2011 impact factor: 1.919, Author's version by permission of the ACM, Companion slides, Citations, , .
2009- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2009). A survey on session detection methods in query logs and a proposal for future evaluation. Information Sciences, 179(12), 1822-1843. JCR 2009 impact factor: 3.291, Author's version, Citations, , .
- Brenes, David J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2009). Stratified analysis of AOL query log. Information Sciences, 179(12), 1844-1858. JCR 2009 impact factor: 3.291, Authors' version, Citations, .
Papers in conferences and workshops
2019- González Hevia, Alejandro; Cerezo Menéndez, Rebeca and Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2019). Analyzing the use of existing systems for the CLPsych 2019 Shared Task. In CLPSYCH 2019. Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology Workshop. Author's version, Library source code.
2013- Mendoza, Marcelo; Poblete, Barbara; Bravo-Marquez, Felipe; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2013). Long-memory time series ensembles for concept shift detection. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Big Data, Streams and Heterogeneous Source Mining: Algorithms, Systems, Programming Models and Applications (pp. 23-30). ACM.
2012- Bravo-Marquez, Felipe; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Mendoza, Marcelo; Poblete, Barbara (2012). Opinion dynamics of elections in Twitter. In Web Congress (LA-WEB), 2012 Eighth Latin American (pp. 32-39). IEEE. Slides (by F. Bravo-Márquez), .
2011- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2011). All liaisons are dangerous when all your friends are known to us. In Proceedings of the 22nd ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia (pp. 171-180). ACM. CORE 2013 Rank: A, Preprint, Slides, Citations, , .
- Metaxas, Panagiotis Takis; Mustafaraj, Eni; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2011). How (not) to predict elections. In Privacy, security, risk and trust (PASSAT), 2011 IEEE third international conference on and 2011 IEEE third international conference on social computing (SocialCom) (pp. 165-171). IEEE. Authors' version, , .
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Metaxas, Panagiotis; Mustafaraj, Eni (2011). Limits of electoral predictions using Twitter. In Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media. Barcelona, Spain. AAAI. Authors' version, Citations, Poster, Poster cover.
2010- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Brenes, David J. (2010). Overcoming Spammers in Twitter -- A Tale of Five Algorithms. In I Congreso Español de Recuperación de Información. Actas del congreso. Extended version (arXiv), Slides, Citations.
- Brenes, David J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; García, Rodrigo (2010). On the fly query segmentation using snippets. In Proc. of CERI'10 (pp. 259-266). Extended version (arXiv).
2009- Brenes, David J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Pérez-González, Kilian (2009). Survey and evaluation of query intent detection methods. In Proceedings of the 2009 workshop on Web Search Click Data (pp. 1-7). ACM. Authors' version, Slides, Video, Dataset, Citations, .
- Fernández-Fernández, Miguel; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2009). Hierarchical Taxonomy Extraction by Mining Topical Query Sessions. In KDIR (pp. 229-235). Authors' version, Slides by M. Fernández-Fernández.
2008- Brenes, David J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2008). Automatic detection of navigational queries according to Behavioural Characteristics. In LWA (pp. 41-48). Authors' version.
2007- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Vázquez, Sonia Hevia; Torrente, María del Carmen Suárez; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2007). Un estudio sobre el absentismo y el abandono en asignaturas de programación. In XIII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Authors' version.
2005- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2005). Application of variable length n-gram vectors to monolingual and bilingual information retrieval. In Multilingual Information Access for Text, Speech and Images (pp. 73-82). Springer. Authors' version, Slides, Citations.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Vinuesa Martínez, Luis; Álvarez Fernández, Alberto Manuel; Luengo Díez, Mª Cándida (2005). Análisis de los hábitos de trabajo autónomo de los alumnos de cara al sistema de créditos ECTS. In JENUI 2005 - XI Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Thomson. Authors' version.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Labra Gayo, José E.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández Lanvin, Daniel (2005). Static Validation of Business Process Compatibility in Web Services Choreographies. In Engineering Service Compositions (WESC'05) (pp. 85).
2004- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2004). Naive algorithms for keyphrase extraction and text summarization from a single document inspired by the protein biosynthesis process. In Biologically Inspired Approaches to Advanced Information Technology (pp. 440-455). Springer. Authors' version, Slides, Citations, .
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2004). One Size Fits All? A Simple Technique to Perform Several NLP Tasks. In Advances in Natural Language Processing 4th International Conference, EsTAL 2004, J.L. Vicedo et al. (Eds.), LNAI 3230 (pp. 267-278). Authors' version, Slides, Dataset, Citations, .
2003- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández-Cuervo, Hortensia (2003). Online self-assessment as a learning method. In Proceedings. The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2003. (pp. 254-255). IEEE. Authors' version, Extended version, .
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Cernuda-del-Río, Agustín; Gayo-Avello, José; Vinuesa-Martínez, Luis; García-Fernández, Néstor (2003). The cooperative web: a step towards web intelligence. In Web Engineering (pp. 441-444). Springer. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2003). A cooperative paradigm for fighting information overload. In Computer and Information Sciences-ISCIS 2003 (pp. 228-235). Springer. Authors' version.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Cueva Lovelle, Juan Manuel; Díaz Fondón, Marián; García Fuente, Mª Pilar Almudena; Redondo López, José Manuel (2003). Reflexiones y experiencias sobre la enseñanza de POO como único paradigma. In JENUI 2003 - IX Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Thomson. Authors' version, Slides.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2003). Los concursos de programación como herramienta didáctica. In JENUI 2003 - IX Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso.
2002- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez Gutiérrez, Darío (2002). The cooperative web: a complement to the semantic web. In Proceedings. 26th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference, 2002. COMPSAC 2002. (pp. 179-183). IEEE. Authors' version.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández Cuervo, Hortensia (2002). Enseñar informática es como.... In JENUI 2002 - VIII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández Cuervo, Hortensia; Torre Cervigón, Fernando (2002). La autoevaluación como método de aprendizaje. In JENUI 2002 - VIII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez Gutiérrez, Dario; Cueva Lovelle, Juan Manuel (2002). A concept-based retrieval tool: The cooperative Web. In Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2002. IADIS. Authors' version.
2001- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; López Pérez, Benjamín; Labra Gayo, José E. (2001). Desarrollo del portal web de la EU de Ingeniería Técnica en Informática de Oviedo. In VII Jornadas sobre la Enseñanza Universitaria en Informática. JENUI 2001. Actas del congreso. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; López Pérez, Benjamín; Labra Gayo, José E. (2001). Tecnologías web para proveedores de información dinámica. In Congreso Internacional Interacción Persona Ordenador. Interacción 2001. Actas del congreso. Authors' version.
2000- Suárez-Quirós, Javier; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; González-Cobas, Juán David; García-Díaz, Rafael Pedro; Álvarez-Peñín, Pedro Ignacio (2000). Integration of C++ digital processing libraries and VTK through Tcl/Tk dynamic loadable extensions. In Visualization Development Environments 2000 (VDE 2000). Authors' version.
- Suárez Quirós, J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; González Cobas, J.D.; García Díaz, R.P.; Álvarez Peñín, P.I. (2000). Desarrollo de un entorno de visualización 2D y 3D multiplataforma. In XIII Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería Gráfica (CIIG 2000). Actas del congreso. Authors' version.
Preprints and other publications
- Eskisabel-Azpiazu, Amaia; Cerezo-Menéndez, Rebeca; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2017). An Ethical Inquiry into Youth Suicide Prevention Using Social Media Mining. In Michael Zimmer and Katarina Kinder-Kurlanda (Eds.), Internet Research Ethics for the Social Age. Peter Lang. Full book,
2015- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2015). Political Opinion. In Y. Mejova, I. Weber, & M. Macy (Eds.), Twitter: A Digital Socioscope (pp. 52-74). Cambridge University Press. Citations, Book website, Google Books Preview, Invited blog post at The Plot, .
2012- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2012). ¿Es Twitter un nuevo "Literary Digest"? No, No se pueden predecir elecciones con Twitter. In La comunicación política y las nuevas tecnologías (pp. 176-199). Los Libros de la Catarata.
Papers in journals
2021- Fernández-Álvarez, Daniel; Labra Gayo, Jose Emilio; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2021). Automatic extraction of shapes using sheXer. Knowledge-Based Systems. .
- Fernández-Álvarez, Daniel; Frey, Johannes; Labra Gayo, Jose Emilio; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Hellmann, Sebastian (2021). Approaches to measure class importance in Knowledge Graphs. PLOS ONE, 16(6), e0252862. .
2017- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2017). Social Media Won’t Free Us. IEEE Internet Computing, 21(04), 98-101. JCR 2016 impact factor: 1.521, , .
- Daniel Fernández-Álvarez, Jose Emilio Labra Gayo, Daniel Gayo-Avello and Patricia Ordóñez de Pablos (2017). MERA: A Musical Entities Reconciliation Architecture Based on Semantic Technologies. International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS), 13(4).
2015- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2015). Social Media, Democracy, and Democratization. IEEE Multimedia, 22(2), 10-16. JCR 2015 impact factor: 1.361, Author's version, Video (in Spanish), Citations, , .
2013- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2013). Nepotistic relationships in Twitter and their impact on rank prestige algorithms. Information Processing & Management, 49(6), 1250-1280. JCR 2013 impact factor: 1.069, Preprint version, , Citations.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Hevia Vázquez, Sonia; Suárez Torrente, María del Carmen; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2013). Un estudio sobre el absentismo y el abandono en asignaturas de programación. ReVisión, 6(1).
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2013). A meta-analysis of state-of-the-art electoral prediction from Twitter data. Social Science Computer Review, 31(6), 649-679. JCR 2013 impact factor: 1.542, Author's version, Citations, , .
- Schoen, Harald; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Metaxas, Panagiotis Takis; Mustafaraj, Eni; Strohmaier, Markus; Gloor, Peter (2013). The power of prediction with social media. Internet Research, 23(5), 528-543. JCR 2013 impact factor: 1.638, Authors' version, Citations, , .
2012- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2012). No, you cannot predict elections with Twitter. Internet Computing, IEEE, 16(6), 91-94. JCR 2012 impact factor: 2.039, Author's version by permission of IEEE, Citations, , .
2011- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Brenes, David J.; Fernández-Fernández, Diego; Fernández-Menéndez, María E; García-Suárez, Rodrigo (2011). De retibus socialibus et legibus momenti. EPL (Europhysics Letters), 94(3), 38001. JCR 2011 impact factor: 2.171, Extended version (arXiv), Companion slides, Citations, , .
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2011). Don't turn social media into another 'Literary Digest' poll. Communications of the ACM, 54(10), 121-128. JCR 2011 impact factor: 1.919, Author's version by permission of the ACM, Companion slides, Citations, , .
2009- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2009). A survey on session detection methods in query logs and a proposal for future evaluation. Information Sciences, 179(12), 1822-1843. JCR 2009 impact factor: 3.291, Author's version, Citations, , .
- Brenes, David J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2009). Stratified analysis of AOL query log. Information Sciences, 179(12), 1844-1858. JCR 2009 impact factor: 3.291, Authors' version, Citations, .
Papers in conferences and workshops
2019- González Hevia, Alejandro; Cerezo Menéndez, Rebeca and Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2019). Analyzing the use of existing systems for the CLPsych 2019 Shared Task. In CLPSYCH 2019. Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology Workshop. Author's version, Library source code.
2013- Mendoza, Marcelo; Poblete, Barbara; Bravo-Marquez, Felipe; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2013). Long-memory time series ensembles for concept shift detection. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Big Data, Streams and Heterogeneous Source Mining: Algorithms, Systems, Programming Models and Applications (pp. 23-30). ACM.
2012- Bravo-Marquez, Felipe; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Mendoza, Marcelo; Poblete, Barbara (2012). Opinion dynamics of elections in Twitter. In Web Congress (LA-WEB), 2012 Eighth Latin American (pp. 32-39). IEEE. Slides (by F. Bravo-Márquez), .
2011- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2011). All liaisons are dangerous when all your friends are known to us. In Proceedings of the 22nd ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia (pp. 171-180). ACM. CORE 2013 Rank: A, Preprint, Slides, Citations, , .
- Metaxas, Panagiotis Takis; Mustafaraj, Eni; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2011). How (not) to predict elections. In Privacy, security, risk and trust (PASSAT), 2011 IEEE third international conference on and 2011 IEEE third international conference on social computing (SocialCom) (pp. 165-171). IEEE. Authors' version, , .
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Metaxas, Panagiotis; Mustafaraj, Eni (2011). Limits of electoral predictions using Twitter. In Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media. Barcelona, Spain. AAAI. Authors' version, Citations, Poster, Poster cover.
2010- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Brenes, David J. (2010). Overcoming Spammers in Twitter -- A Tale of Five Algorithms. In I Congreso Español de Recuperación de Información. Actas del congreso. Extended version (arXiv), Slides, Citations.
- Brenes, David J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; García, Rodrigo (2010). On the fly query segmentation using snippets. In Proc. of CERI'10 (pp. 259-266). Extended version (arXiv).
2009- Brenes, David J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Pérez-González, Kilian (2009). Survey and evaluation of query intent detection methods. In Proceedings of the 2009 workshop on Web Search Click Data (pp. 1-7). ACM. Authors' version, Slides, Video, Dataset, Citations, .
- Fernández-Fernández, Miguel; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2009). Hierarchical Taxonomy Extraction by Mining Topical Query Sessions. In KDIR (pp. 229-235). Authors' version, Slides by M. Fernández-Fernández.
2008- Brenes, David J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2008). Automatic detection of navigational queries according to Behavioural Characteristics. In LWA (pp. 41-48). Authors' version.
2007- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Vázquez, Sonia Hevia; Torrente, María del Carmen Suárez; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2007). Un estudio sobre el absentismo y el abandono en asignaturas de programación. In XIII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Authors' version.
2005- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2005). Application of variable length n-gram vectors to monolingual and bilingual information retrieval. In Multilingual Information Access for Text, Speech and Images (pp. 73-82). Springer. Authors' version, Slides, Citations.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Vinuesa Martínez, Luis; Álvarez Fernández, Alberto Manuel; Luengo Díez, Mª Cándida (2005). Análisis de los hábitos de trabajo autónomo de los alumnos de cara al sistema de créditos ECTS. In JENUI 2005 - XI Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Thomson. Authors' version.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Labra Gayo, José E.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández Lanvin, Daniel (2005). Static Validation of Business Process Compatibility in Web Services Choreographies. In Engineering Service Compositions (WESC'05) (pp. 85).
2004- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2004). Naive algorithms for keyphrase extraction and text summarization from a single document inspired by the protein biosynthesis process. In Biologically Inspired Approaches to Advanced Information Technology (pp. 440-455). Springer. Authors' version, Slides, Citations, .
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2004). One Size Fits All? A Simple Technique to Perform Several NLP Tasks. In Advances in Natural Language Processing 4th International Conference, EsTAL 2004, J.L. Vicedo et al. (Eds.), LNAI 3230 (pp. 267-278). Authors' version, Slides, Dataset, Citations, .
2003- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández-Cuervo, Hortensia (2003). Online self-assessment as a learning method. In Proceedings. The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2003. (pp. 254-255). IEEE. Authors' version, Extended version, .
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Cernuda-del-Río, Agustín; Gayo-Avello, José; Vinuesa-Martínez, Luis; García-Fernández, Néstor (2003). The cooperative web: a step towards web intelligence. In Web Engineering (pp. 441-444). Springer. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2003). A cooperative paradigm for fighting information overload. In Computer and Information Sciences-ISCIS 2003 (pp. 228-235). Springer. Authors' version.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Cueva Lovelle, Juan Manuel; Díaz Fondón, Marián; García Fuente, Mª Pilar Almudena; Redondo López, José Manuel (2003). Reflexiones y experiencias sobre la enseñanza de POO como único paradigma. In JENUI 2003 - IX Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Thomson. Authors' version, Slides.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2003). Los concursos de programación como herramienta didáctica. In JENUI 2003 - IX Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso.
2002- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez Gutiérrez, Darío (2002). The cooperative web: a complement to the semantic web. In Proceedings. 26th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference, 2002. COMPSAC 2002. (pp. 179-183). IEEE. Authors' version.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández Cuervo, Hortensia (2002). Enseñar informática es como.... In JENUI 2002 - VIII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández Cuervo, Hortensia; Torre Cervigón, Fernando (2002). La autoevaluación como método de aprendizaje. In JENUI 2002 - VIII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez Gutiérrez, Dario; Cueva Lovelle, Juan Manuel (2002). A concept-based retrieval tool: The cooperative Web. In Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2002. IADIS. Authors' version.
2001- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; López Pérez, Benjamín; Labra Gayo, José E. (2001). Desarrollo del portal web de la EU de Ingeniería Técnica en Informática de Oviedo. In VII Jornadas sobre la Enseñanza Universitaria en Informática. JENUI 2001. Actas del congreso. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; López Pérez, Benjamín; Labra Gayo, José E. (2001). Tecnologías web para proveedores de información dinámica. In Congreso Internacional Interacción Persona Ordenador. Interacción 2001. Actas del congreso. Authors' version.
2000- Suárez-Quirós, Javier; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; González-Cobas, Juán David; García-Díaz, Rafael Pedro; Álvarez-Peñín, Pedro Ignacio (2000). Integration of C++ digital processing libraries and VTK through Tcl/Tk dynamic loadable extensions. In Visualization Development Environments 2000 (VDE 2000). Authors' version.
- Suárez Quirós, J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; González Cobas, J.D.; García Díaz, R.P.; Álvarez Peñín, P.I. (2000). Desarrollo de un entorno de visualización 2D y 3D multiplataforma. In XIII Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería Gráfica (CIIG 2000). Actas del congreso. Authors' version.
Preprints and other publications

- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2012). ¿Es Twitter un nuevo "Literary Digest"? No, No se pueden predecir elecciones con Twitter. In La comunicación política y las nuevas tecnologías (pp. 176-199). Los Libros de la Catarata.
Papers in journals
2021- Fernández-Álvarez, Daniel; Labra Gayo, Jose Emilio; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2021). Automatic extraction of shapes using sheXer. Knowledge-Based Systems. .
- Fernández-Álvarez, Daniel; Frey, Johannes; Labra Gayo, Jose Emilio; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Hellmann, Sebastian (2021). Approaches to measure class importance in Knowledge Graphs. PLOS ONE, 16(6), e0252862. .
2017- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2017). Social Media Won’t Free Us. IEEE Internet Computing, 21(04), 98-101. JCR 2016 impact factor: 1.521, , .
- Daniel Fernández-Álvarez, Jose Emilio Labra Gayo, Daniel Gayo-Avello and Patricia Ordóñez de Pablos (2017). MERA: A Musical Entities Reconciliation Architecture Based on Semantic Technologies. International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS), 13(4).
2015- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2015). Social Media, Democracy, and Democratization. IEEE Multimedia, 22(2), 10-16. JCR 2015 impact factor: 1.361, Author's version, Video (in Spanish), Citations, , .
2013- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2013). Nepotistic relationships in Twitter and their impact on rank prestige algorithms. Information Processing & Management, 49(6), 1250-1280. JCR 2013 impact factor: 1.069, Preprint version, , Citations.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Hevia Vázquez, Sonia; Suárez Torrente, María del Carmen; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2013). Un estudio sobre el absentismo y el abandono en asignaturas de programación. ReVisión, 6(1).
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2013). A meta-analysis of state-of-the-art electoral prediction from Twitter data. Social Science Computer Review, 31(6), 649-679. JCR 2013 impact factor: 1.542, Author's version, Citations, , .
- Schoen, Harald; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Metaxas, Panagiotis Takis; Mustafaraj, Eni; Strohmaier, Markus; Gloor, Peter (2013). The power of prediction with social media. Internet Research, 23(5), 528-543. JCR 2013 impact factor: 1.638, Authors' version, Citations, , .
2012- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2012). No, you cannot predict elections with Twitter. Internet Computing, IEEE, 16(6), 91-94. JCR 2012 impact factor: 2.039, Author's version by permission of IEEE, Citations, , .
2011- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Brenes, David J.; Fernández-Fernández, Diego; Fernández-Menéndez, María E; García-Suárez, Rodrigo (2011). De retibus socialibus et legibus momenti. EPL (Europhysics Letters), 94(3), 38001. JCR 2011 impact factor: 2.171, Extended version (arXiv), Companion slides, Citations, , .
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2011). Don't turn social media into another 'Literary Digest' poll. Communications of the ACM, 54(10), 121-128. JCR 2011 impact factor: 1.919, Author's version by permission of the ACM, Companion slides, Citations, , .
2009- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2009). A survey on session detection methods in query logs and a proposal for future evaluation. Information Sciences, 179(12), 1822-1843. JCR 2009 impact factor: 3.291, Author's version, Citations, , .
- Brenes, David J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2009). Stratified analysis of AOL query log. Information Sciences, 179(12), 1844-1858. JCR 2009 impact factor: 3.291, Authors' version, Citations, .
Papers in conferences and workshops
2019- González Hevia, Alejandro; Cerezo Menéndez, Rebeca and Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2019). Analyzing the use of existing systems for the CLPsych 2019 Shared Task. In CLPSYCH 2019. Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology Workshop. Author's version, Library source code.
2013- Mendoza, Marcelo; Poblete, Barbara; Bravo-Marquez, Felipe; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2013). Long-memory time series ensembles for concept shift detection. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Big Data, Streams and Heterogeneous Source Mining: Algorithms, Systems, Programming Models and Applications (pp. 23-30). ACM.
2012- Bravo-Marquez, Felipe; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Mendoza, Marcelo; Poblete, Barbara (2012). Opinion dynamics of elections in Twitter. In Web Congress (LA-WEB), 2012 Eighth Latin American (pp. 32-39). IEEE. Slides (by F. Bravo-Márquez), .
2011- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2011). All liaisons are dangerous when all your friends are known to us. In Proceedings of the 22nd ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia (pp. 171-180). ACM. CORE 2013 Rank: A, Preprint, Slides, Citations, , .
- Metaxas, Panagiotis Takis; Mustafaraj, Eni; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2011). How (not) to predict elections. In Privacy, security, risk and trust (PASSAT), 2011 IEEE third international conference on and 2011 IEEE third international conference on social computing (SocialCom) (pp. 165-171). IEEE. Authors' version, , .
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Metaxas, Panagiotis; Mustafaraj, Eni (2011). Limits of electoral predictions using Twitter. In Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media. Barcelona, Spain. AAAI. Authors' version, Citations, Poster, Poster cover.
2010- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Brenes, David J. (2010). Overcoming Spammers in Twitter -- A Tale of Five Algorithms. In I Congreso Español de Recuperación de Información. Actas del congreso. Extended version (arXiv), Slides, Citations.
- Brenes, David J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; García, Rodrigo (2010). On the fly query segmentation using snippets. In Proc. of CERI'10 (pp. 259-266). Extended version (arXiv).
2009- Brenes, David J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Pérez-González, Kilian (2009). Survey and evaluation of query intent detection methods. In Proceedings of the 2009 workshop on Web Search Click Data (pp. 1-7). ACM. Authors' version, Slides, Video, Dataset, Citations, .
- Fernández-Fernández, Miguel; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2009). Hierarchical Taxonomy Extraction by Mining Topical Query Sessions. In KDIR (pp. 229-235). Authors' version, Slides by M. Fernández-Fernández.
2008- Brenes, David J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2008). Automatic detection of navigational queries according to Behavioural Characteristics. In LWA (pp. 41-48). Authors' version.
2007- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Vázquez, Sonia Hevia; Torrente, María del Carmen Suárez; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2007). Un estudio sobre el absentismo y el abandono en asignaturas de programación. In XIII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Authors' version.
2005- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2005). Application of variable length n-gram vectors to monolingual and bilingual information retrieval. In Multilingual Information Access for Text, Speech and Images (pp. 73-82). Springer. Authors' version, Slides, Citations.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Vinuesa Martínez, Luis; Álvarez Fernández, Alberto Manuel; Luengo Díez, Mª Cándida (2005). Análisis de los hábitos de trabajo autónomo de los alumnos de cara al sistema de créditos ECTS. In JENUI 2005 - XI Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Thomson. Authors' version.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Labra Gayo, José E.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández Lanvin, Daniel (2005). Static Validation of Business Process Compatibility in Web Services Choreographies. In Engineering Service Compositions (WESC'05) (pp. 85).
2004- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2004). Naive algorithms for keyphrase extraction and text summarization from a single document inspired by the protein biosynthesis process. In Biologically Inspired Approaches to Advanced Information Technology (pp. 440-455). Springer. Authors' version, Slides, Citations, .
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2004). One Size Fits All? A Simple Technique to Perform Several NLP Tasks. In Advances in Natural Language Processing 4th International Conference, EsTAL 2004, J.L. Vicedo et al. (Eds.), LNAI 3230 (pp. 267-278). Authors' version, Slides, Dataset, Citations, .
2003- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández-Cuervo, Hortensia (2003). Online self-assessment as a learning method. In Proceedings. The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2003. (pp. 254-255). IEEE. Authors' version, Extended version, .
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Cernuda-del-Río, Agustín; Gayo-Avello, José; Vinuesa-Martínez, Luis; García-Fernández, Néstor (2003). The cooperative web: a step towards web intelligence. In Web Engineering (pp. 441-444). Springer. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2003). A cooperative paradigm for fighting information overload. In Computer and Information Sciences-ISCIS 2003 (pp. 228-235). Springer. Authors' version.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Cueva Lovelle, Juan Manuel; Díaz Fondón, Marián; García Fuente, Mª Pilar Almudena; Redondo López, José Manuel (2003). Reflexiones y experiencias sobre la enseñanza de POO como único paradigma. In JENUI 2003 - IX Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Thomson. Authors' version, Slides.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2003). Los concursos de programación como herramienta didáctica. In JENUI 2003 - IX Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso.
2002- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez Gutiérrez, Darío (2002). The cooperative web: a complement to the semantic web. In Proceedings. 26th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference, 2002. COMPSAC 2002. (pp. 179-183). IEEE. Authors' version.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández Cuervo, Hortensia (2002). Enseñar informática es como.... In JENUI 2002 - VIII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández Cuervo, Hortensia; Torre Cervigón, Fernando (2002). La autoevaluación como método de aprendizaje. In JENUI 2002 - VIII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez Gutiérrez, Dario; Cueva Lovelle, Juan Manuel (2002). A concept-based retrieval tool: The cooperative Web. In Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2002. IADIS. Authors' version.
2001- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; López Pérez, Benjamín; Labra Gayo, José E. (2001). Desarrollo del portal web de la EU de Ingeniería Técnica en Informática de Oviedo. In VII Jornadas sobre la Enseñanza Universitaria en Informática. JENUI 2001. Actas del congreso. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; López Pérez, Benjamín; Labra Gayo, José E. (2001). Tecnologías web para proveedores de información dinámica. In Congreso Internacional Interacción Persona Ordenador. Interacción 2001. Actas del congreso. Authors' version.
2000- Suárez-Quirós, Javier; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; González-Cobas, Juán David; García-Díaz, Rafael Pedro; Álvarez-Peñín, Pedro Ignacio (2000). Integration of C++ digital processing libraries and VTK through Tcl/Tk dynamic loadable extensions. In Visualization Development Environments 2000 (VDE 2000). Authors' version.
- Suárez Quirós, J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; González Cobas, J.D.; García Díaz, R.P.; Álvarez Peñín, P.I. (2000). Desarrollo de un entorno de visualización 2D y 3D multiplataforma. In XIII Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería Gráfica (CIIG 2000). Actas del congreso. Authors' version.
Preprints and other publications
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2017). Social Media Won’t Free Us. IEEE Internet Computing, 21(04), 98-101. JCR 2016 impact factor: 1.521, ,
- Daniel Fernández-Álvarez, Jose Emilio Labra Gayo, Daniel Gayo-Avello and Patricia Ordóñez de Pablos (2017). MERA: A Musical Entities Reconciliation Architecture Based on Semantic Technologies. International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS), 13(4).
2015- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2015). Social Media, Democracy, and Democratization. IEEE Multimedia, 22(2), 10-16. JCR 2015 impact factor: 1.361, Author's version, Video (in Spanish), Citations, , .
2013- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2013). Nepotistic relationships in Twitter and their impact on rank prestige algorithms. Information Processing & Management, 49(6), 1250-1280. JCR 2013 impact factor: 1.069, Preprint version, , Citations.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Hevia Vázquez, Sonia; Suárez Torrente, María del Carmen; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2013). Un estudio sobre el absentismo y el abandono en asignaturas de programación. ReVisión, 6(1).
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2013). A meta-analysis of state-of-the-art electoral prediction from Twitter data. Social Science Computer Review, 31(6), 649-679. JCR 2013 impact factor: 1.542, Author's version, Citations, , .
- Schoen, Harald; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Metaxas, Panagiotis Takis; Mustafaraj, Eni; Strohmaier, Markus; Gloor, Peter (2013). The power of prediction with social media. Internet Research, 23(5), 528-543. JCR 2013 impact factor: 1.638, Authors' version, Citations, , .
2012- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2012). No, you cannot predict elections with Twitter. Internet Computing, IEEE, 16(6), 91-94. JCR 2012 impact factor: 2.039, Author's version by permission of IEEE, Citations, , .
2011- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Brenes, David J.; Fernández-Fernández, Diego; Fernández-Menéndez, María E; García-Suárez, Rodrigo (2011). De retibus socialibus et legibus momenti. EPL (Europhysics Letters), 94(3), 38001. JCR 2011 impact factor: 2.171, Extended version (arXiv), Companion slides, Citations, , .
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2011). Don't turn social media into another 'Literary Digest' poll. Communications of the ACM, 54(10), 121-128. JCR 2011 impact factor: 1.919, Author's version by permission of the ACM, Companion slides, Citations, , .
2009- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2009). A survey on session detection methods in query logs and a proposal for future evaluation. Information Sciences, 179(12), 1822-1843. JCR 2009 impact factor: 3.291, Author's version, Citations, , .
- Brenes, David J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2009). Stratified analysis of AOL query log. Information Sciences, 179(12), 1844-1858. JCR 2009 impact factor: 3.291, Authors' version, Citations, .
Papers in conferences and workshops
2019- González Hevia, Alejandro; Cerezo Menéndez, Rebeca and Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2019). Analyzing the use of existing systems for the CLPsych 2019 Shared Task. In CLPSYCH 2019. Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology Workshop. Author's version, Library source code.
2013- Mendoza, Marcelo; Poblete, Barbara; Bravo-Marquez, Felipe; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2013). Long-memory time series ensembles for concept shift detection. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Big Data, Streams and Heterogeneous Source Mining: Algorithms, Systems, Programming Models and Applications (pp. 23-30). ACM.
2012- Bravo-Marquez, Felipe; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Mendoza, Marcelo; Poblete, Barbara (2012). Opinion dynamics of elections in Twitter. In Web Congress (LA-WEB), 2012 Eighth Latin American (pp. 32-39). IEEE. Slides (by F. Bravo-Márquez), .
2011- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2011). All liaisons are dangerous when all your friends are known to us. In Proceedings of the 22nd ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia (pp. 171-180). ACM. CORE 2013 Rank: A, Preprint, Slides, Citations, , .
- Metaxas, Panagiotis Takis; Mustafaraj, Eni; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2011). How (not) to predict elections. In Privacy, security, risk and trust (PASSAT), 2011 IEEE third international conference on and 2011 IEEE third international conference on social computing (SocialCom) (pp. 165-171). IEEE. Authors' version, , .
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Metaxas, Panagiotis; Mustafaraj, Eni (2011). Limits of electoral predictions using Twitter. In Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media. Barcelona, Spain. AAAI. Authors' version, Citations, Poster, Poster cover.
2010- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Brenes, David J. (2010). Overcoming Spammers in Twitter -- A Tale of Five Algorithms. In I Congreso Español de Recuperación de Información. Actas del congreso. Extended version (arXiv), Slides, Citations.
- Brenes, David J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; García, Rodrigo (2010). On the fly query segmentation using snippets. In Proc. of CERI'10 (pp. 259-266). Extended version (arXiv).
2009- Brenes, David J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Pérez-González, Kilian (2009). Survey and evaluation of query intent detection methods. In Proceedings of the 2009 workshop on Web Search Click Data (pp. 1-7). ACM. Authors' version, Slides, Video, Dataset, Citations, .
- Fernández-Fernández, Miguel; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2009). Hierarchical Taxonomy Extraction by Mining Topical Query Sessions. In KDIR (pp. 229-235). Authors' version, Slides by M. Fernández-Fernández.
2008- Brenes, David J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2008). Automatic detection of navigational queries according to Behavioural Characteristics. In LWA (pp. 41-48). Authors' version.
2007- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Vázquez, Sonia Hevia; Torrente, María del Carmen Suárez; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2007). Un estudio sobre el absentismo y el abandono en asignaturas de programación. In XIII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Authors' version.
2005- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2005). Application of variable length n-gram vectors to monolingual and bilingual information retrieval. In Multilingual Information Access for Text, Speech and Images (pp. 73-82). Springer. Authors' version, Slides, Citations.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Vinuesa Martínez, Luis; Álvarez Fernández, Alberto Manuel; Luengo Díez, Mª Cándida (2005). Análisis de los hábitos de trabajo autónomo de los alumnos de cara al sistema de créditos ECTS. In JENUI 2005 - XI Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Thomson. Authors' version.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Labra Gayo, José E.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández Lanvin, Daniel (2005). Static Validation of Business Process Compatibility in Web Services Choreographies. In Engineering Service Compositions (WESC'05) (pp. 85).
2004- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2004). Naive algorithms for keyphrase extraction and text summarization from a single document inspired by the protein biosynthesis process. In Biologically Inspired Approaches to Advanced Information Technology (pp. 440-455). Springer. Authors' version, Slides, Citations, .
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2004). One Size Fits All? A Simple Technique to Perform Several NLP Tasks. In Advances in Natural Language Processing 4th International Conference, EsTAL 2004, J.L. Vicedo et al. (Eds.), LNAI 3230 (pp. 267-278). Authors' version, Slides, Dataset, Citations, .
2003- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández-Cuervo, Hortensia (2003). Online self-assessment as a learning method. In Proceedings. The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2003. (pp. 254-255). IEEE. Authors' version, Extended version, .
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Cernuda-del-Río, Agustín; Gayo-Avello, José; Vinuesa-Martínez, Luis; García-Fernández, Néstor (2003). The cooperative web: a step towards web intelligence. In Web Engineering (pp. 441-444). Springer. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2003). A cooperative paradigm for fighting information overload. In Computer and Information Sciences-ISCIS 2003 (pp. 228-235). Springer. Authors' version.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Cueva Lovelle, Juan Manuel; Díaz Fondón, Marián; García Fuente, Mª Pilar Almudena; Redondo López, José Manuel (2003). Reflexiones y experiencias sobre la enseñanza de POO como único paradigma. In JENUI 2003 - IX Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Thomson. Authors' version, Slides.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2003). Los concursos de programación como herramienta didáctica. In JENUI 2003 - IX Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso.
2002- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez Gutiérrez, Darío (2002). The cooperative web: a complement to the semantic web. In Proceedings. 26th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference, 2002. COMPSAC 2002. (pp. 179-183). IEEE. Authors' version.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández Cuervo, Hortensia (2002). Enseñar informática es como.... In JENUI 2002 - VIII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández Cuervo, Hortensia; Torre Cervigón, Fernando (2002). La autoevaluación como método de aprendizaje. In JENUI 2002 - VIII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez Gutiérrez, Dario; Cueva Lovelle, Juan Manuel (2002). A concept-based retrieval tool: The cooperative Web. In Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2002. IADIS. Authors' version.
2001- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; López Pérez, Benjamín; Labra Gayo, José E. (2001). Desarrollo del portal web de la EU de Ingeniería Técnica en Informática de Oviedo. In VII Jornadas sobre la Enseñanza Universitaria en Informática. JENUI 2001. Actas del congreso. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; López Pérez, Benjamín; Labra Gayo, José E. (2001). Tecnologías web para proveedores de información dinámica. In Congreso Internacional Interacción Persona Ordenador. Interacción 2001. Actas del congreso. Authors' version.
2000- Suárez-Quirós, Javier; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; González-Cobas, Juán David; García-Díaz, Rafael Pedro; Álvarez-Peñín, Pedro Ignacio (2000). Integration of C++ digital processing libraries and VTK through Tcl/Tk dynamic loadable extensions. In Visualization Development Environments 2000 (VDE 2000). Authors' version.
- Suárez Quirós, J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; González Cobas, J.D.; García Díaz, R.P.; Álvarez Peñín, P.I. (2000). Desarrollo de un entorno de visualización 2D y 3D multiplataforma. In XIII Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería Gráfica (CIIG 2000). Actas del congreso. Authors' version.
Preprints and other publications

- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2013). Nepotistic relationships in Twitter and their impact on rank prestige algorithms. Information Processing & Management, 49(6), 1250-1280. JCR 2013 impact factor: 1.069, Preprint version, , Citations.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Hevia Vázquez, Sonia; Suárez Torrente, María del Carmen; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2013). Un estudio sobre el absentismo y el abandono en asignaturas de programación. ReVisión, 6(1).
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2013). A meta-analysis of state-of-the-art electoral prediction from Twitter data. Social Science Computer Review, 31(6), 649-679. JCR 2013 impact factor: 1.542, Author's version, Citations, ,
- Schoen, Harald; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Metaxas, Panagiotis Takis; Mustafaraj, Eni; Strohmaier, Markus; Gloor, Peter (2013). The power of prediction with social media. Internet Research, 23(5), 528-543. JCR 2013 impact factor: 1.638, Authors' version, Citations, ,
2012- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2012). No, you cannot predict elections with Twitter. Internet Computing, IEEE, 16(6), 91-94. JCR 2012 impact factor: 2.039, Author's version by permission of IEEE, Citations, , .
2011- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Brenes, David J.; Fernández-Fernández, Diego; Fernández-Menéndez, María E; García-Suárez, Rodrigo (2011). De retibus socialibus et legibus momenti. EPL (Europhysics Letters), 94(3), 38001. JCR 2011 impact factor: 2.171, Extended version (arXiv), Companion slides, Citations, , .
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2011). Don't turn social media into another 'Literary Digest' poll. Communications of the ACM, 54(10), 121-128. JCR 2011 impact factor: 1.919, Author's version by permission of the ACM, Companion slides, Citations, , .
2009- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2009). A survey on session detection methods in query logs and a proposal for future evaluation. Information Sciences, 179(12), 1822-1843. JCR 2009 impact factor: 3.291, Author's version, Citations, , .
- Brenes, David J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2009). Stratified analysis of AOL query log. Information Sciences, 179(12), 1844-1858. JCR 2009 impact factor: 3.291, Authors' version, Citations, .
Papers in conferences and workshops
2019- González Hevia, Alejandro; Cerezo Menéndez, Rebeca and Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2019). Analyzing the use of existing systems for the CLPsych 2019 Shared Task. In CLPSYCH 2019. Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology Workshop. Author's version, Library source code.
2013- Mendoza, Marcelo; Poblete, Barbara; Bravo-Marquez, Felipe; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2013). Long-memory time series ensembles for concept shift detection. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Big Data, Streams and Heterogeneous Source Mining: Algorithms, Systems, Programming Models and Applications (pp. 23-30). ACM.
2012- Bravo-Marquez, Felipe; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Mendoza, Marcelo; Poblete, Barbara (2012). Opinion dynamics of elections in Twitter. In Web Congress (LA-WEB), 2012 Eighth Latin American (pp. 32-39). IEEE. Slides (by F. Bravo-Márquez), .
2011- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2011). All liaisons are dangerous when all your friends are known to us. In Proceedings of the 22nd ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia (pp. 171-180). ACM. CORE 2013 Rank: A, Preprint, Slides, Citations, , .
- Metaxas, Panagiotis Takis; Mustafaraj, Eni; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2011). How (not) to predict elections. In Privacy, security, risk and trust (PASSAT), 2011 IEEE third international conference on and 2011 IEEE third international conference on social computing (SocialCom) (pp. 165-171). IEEE. Authors' version, , .
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Metaxas, Panagiotis; Mustafaraj, Eni (2011). Limits of electoral predictions using Twitter. In Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media. Barcelona, Spain. AAAI. Authors' version, Citations, Poster, Poster cover.
2010- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Brenes, David J. (2010). Overcoming Spammers in Twitter -- A Tale of Five Algorithms. In I Congreso Español de Recuperación de Información. Actas del congreso. Extended version (arXiv), Slides, Citations.
- Brenes, David J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; García, Rodrigo (2010). On the fly query segmentation using snippets. In Proc. of CERI'10 (pp. 259-266). Extended version (arXiv).
2009- Brenes, David J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Pérez-González, Kilian (2009). Survey and evaluation of query intent detection methods. In Proceedings of the 2009 workshop on Web Search Click Data (pp. 1-7). ACM. Authors' version, Slides, Video, Dataset, Citations, .
- Fernández-Fernández, Miguel; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2009). Hierarchical Taxonomy Extraction by Mining Topical Query Sessions. In KDIR (pp. 229-235). Authors' version, Slides by M. Fernández-Fernández.
2008- Brenes, David J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2008). Automatic detection of navigational queries according to Behavioural Characteristics. In LWA (pp. 41-48). Authors' version.
2007- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Vázquez, Sonia Hevia; Torrente, María del Carmen Suárez; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2007). Un estudio sobre el absentismo y el abandono en asignaturas de programación. In XIII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Authors' version.
2005- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2005). Application of variable length n-gram vectors to monolingual and bilingual information retrieval. In Multilingual Information Access for Text, Speech and Images (pp. 73-82). Springer. Authors' version, Slides, Citations.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Vinuesa Martínez, Luis; Álvarez Fernández, Alberto Manuel; Luengo Díez, Mª Cándida (2005). Análisis de los hábitos de trabajo autónomo de los alumnos de cara al sistema de créditos ECTS. In JENUI 2005 - XI Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Thomson. Authors' version.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Labra Gayo, José E.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández Lanvin, Daniel (2005). Static Validation of Business Process Compatibility in Web Services Choreographies. In Engineering Service Compositions (WESC'05) (pp. 85).
2004- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2004). Naive algorithms for keyphrase extraction and text summarization from a single document inspired by the protein biosynthesis process. In Biologically Inspired Approaches to Advanced Information Technology (pp. 440-455). Springer. Authors' version, Slides, Citations, .
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2004). One Size Fits All? A Simple Technique to Perform Several NLP Tasks. In Advances in Natural Language Processing 4th International Conference, EsTAL 2004, J.L. Vicedo et al. (Eds.), LNAI 3230 (pp. 267-278). Authors' version, Slides, Dataset, Citations, .
2003- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández-Cuervo, Hortensia (2003). Online self-assessment as a learning method. In Proceedings. The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2003. (pp. 254-255). IEEE. Authors' version, Extended version, .
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Cernuda-del-Río, Agustín; Gayo-Avello, José; Vinuesa-Martínez, Luis; García-Fernández, Néstor (2003). The cooperative web: a step towards web intelligence. In Web Engineering (pp. 441-444). Springer. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2003). A cooperative paradigm for fighting information overload. In Computer and Information Sciences-ISCIS 2003 (pp. 228-235). Springer. Authors' version.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Cueva Lovelle, Juan Manuel; Díaz Fondón, Marián; García Fuente, Mª Pilar Almudena; Redondo López, José Manuel (2003). Reflexiones y experiencias sobre la enseñanza de POO como único paradigma. In JENUI 2003 - IX Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Thomson. Authors' version, Slides.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2003). Los concursos de programación como herramienta didáctica. In JENUI 2003 - IX Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso.
2002- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez Gutiérrez, Darío (2002). The cooperative web: a complement to the semantic web. In Proceedings. 26th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference, 2002. COMPSAC 2002. (pp. 179-183). IEEE. Authors' version.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández Cuervo, Hortensia (2002). Enseñar informática es como.... In JENUI 2002 - VIII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández Cuervo, Hortensia; Torre Cervigón, Fernando (2002). La autoevaluación como método de aprendizaje. In JENUI 2002 - VIII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez Gutiérrez, Dario; Cueva Lovelle, Juan Manuel (2002). A concept-based retrieval tool: The cooperative Web. In Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2002. IADIS. Authors' version.
2001- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; López Pérez, Benjamín; Labra Gayo, José E. (2001). Desarrollo del portal web de la EU de Ingeniería Técnica en Informática de Oviedo. In VII Jornadas sobre la Enseñanza Universitaria en Informática. JENUI 2001. Actas del congreso. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; López Pérez, Benjamín; Labra Gayo, José E. (2001). Tecnologías web para proveedores de información dinámica. In Congreso Internacional Interacción Persona Ordenador. Interacción 2001. Actas del congreso. Authors' version.
2000- Suárez-Quirós, Javier; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; González-Cobas, Juán David; García-Díaz, Rafael Pedro; Álvarez-Peñín, Pedro Ignacio (2000). Integration of C++ digital processing libraries and VTK through Tcl/Tk dynamic loadable extensions. In Visualization Development Environments 2000 (VDE 2000). Authors' version.
- Suárez Quirós, J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; González Cobas, J.D.; García Díaz, R.P.; Álvarez Peñín, P.I. (2000). Desarrollo de un entorno de visualización 2D y 3D multiplataforma. In XIII Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería Gráfica (CIIG 2000). Actas del congreso. Authors' version.
Preprints and other publications

- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Brenes, David J.; Fernández-Fernández, Diego; Fernández-Menéndez, María E; García-Suárez, Rodrigo (2011). De retibus socialibus et legibus momenti. EPL (Europhysics Letters), 94(3), 38001. JCR 2011 impact factor: 2.171, Extended version (arXiv), Companion slides, Citations, ,
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2011). Don't turn social media into another 'Literary Digest' poll. Communications of the ACM, 54(10), 121-128. JCR 2011 impact factor: 1.919, Author's version by permission of the ACM, Companion slides, Citations, ,
2009- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2009). A survey on session detection methods in query logs and a proposal for future evaluation. Information Sciences, 179(12), 1822-1843. JCR 2009 impact factor: 3.291, Author's version, Citations, , .
- Brenes, David J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2009). Stratified analysis of AOL query log. Information Sciences, 179(12), 1844-1858. JCR 2009 impact factor: 3.291, Authors' version, Citations, .
Papers in conferences and workshops
2019- González Hevia, Alejandro; Cerezo Menéndez, Rebeca and Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2019). Analyzing the use of existing systems for the CLPsych 2019 Shared Task. In CLPSYCH 2019. Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology Workshop. Author's version, Library source code.
2013- Mendoza, Marcelo; Poblete, Barbara; Bravo-Marquez, Felipe; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2013). Long-memory time series ensembles for concept shift detection. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Big Data, Streams and Heterogeneous Source Mining: Algorithms, Systems, Programming Models and Applications (pp. 23-30). ACM.
2012- Bravo-Marquez, Felipe; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Mendoza, Marcelo; Poblete, Barbara (2012). Opinion dynamics of elections in Twitter. In Web Congress (LA-WEB), 2012 Eighth Latin American (pp. 32-39). IEEE. Slides (by F. Bravo-Márquez), .
2011- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2011). All liaisons are dangerous when all your friends are known to us. In Proceedings of the 22nd ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia (pp. 171-180). ACM. CORE 2013 Rank: A, Preprint, Slides, Citations, , .
- Metaxas, Panagiotis Takis; Mustafaraj, Eni; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2011). How (not) to predict elections. In Privacy, security, risk and trust (PASSAT), 2011 IEEE third international conference on and 2011 IEEE third international conference on social computing (SocialCom) (pp. 165-171). IEEE. Authors' version, , .
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Metaxas, Panagiotis; Mustafaraj, Eni (2011). Limits of electoral predictions using Twitter. In Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media. Barcelona, Spain. AAAI. Authors' version, Citations, Poster, Poster cover.
2010- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Brenes, David J. (2010). Overcoming Spammers in Twitter -- A Tale of Five Algorithms. In I Congreso Español de Recuperación de Información. Actas del congreso. Extended version (arXiv), Slides, Citations.
- Brenes, David J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; García, Rodrigo (2010). On the fly query segmentation using snippets. In Proc. of CERI'10 (pp. 259-266). Extended version (arXiv).
2009- Brenes, David J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Pérez-González, Kilian (2009). Survey and evaluation of query intent detection methods. In Proceedings of the 2009 workshop on Web Search Click Data (pp. 1-7). ACM. Authors' version, Slides, Video, Dataset, Citations, .
- Fernández-Fernández, Miguel; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2009). Hierarchical Taxonomy Extraction by Mining Topical Query Sessions. In KDIR (pp. 229-235). Authors' version, Slides by M. Fernández-Fernández.
2008- Brenes, David J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2008). Automatic detection of navigational queries according to Behavioural Characteristics. In LWA (pp. 41-48). Authors' version.
2007- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Vázquez, Sonia Hevia; Torrente, María del Carmen Suárez; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2007). Un estudio sobre el absentismo y el abandono en asignaturas de programación. In XIII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Authors' version.
2005- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2005). Application of variable length n-gram vectors to monolingual and bilingual information retrieval. In Multilingual Information Access for Text, Speech and Images (pp. 73-82). Springer. Authors' version, Slides, Citations.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Vinuesa Martínez, Luis; Álvarez Fernández, Alberto Manuel; Luengo Díez, Mª Cándida (2005). Análisis de los hábitos de trabajo autónomo de los alumnos de cara al sistema de créditos ECTS. In JENUI 2005 - XI Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Thomson. Authors' version.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Labra Gayo, José E.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández Lanvin, Daniel (2005). Static Validation of Business Process Compatibility in Web Services Choreographies. In Engineering Service Compositions (WESC'05) (pp. 85).
2004- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2004). Naive algorithms for keyphrase extraction and text summarization from a single document inspired by the protein biosynthesis process. In Biologically Inspired Approaches to Advanced Information Technology (pp. 440-455). Springer. Authors' version, Slides, Citations, .
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2004). One Size Fits All? A Simple Technique to Perform Several NLP Tasks. In Advances in Natural Language Processing 4th International Conference, EsTAL 2004, J.L. Vicedo et al. (Eds.), LNAI 3230 (pp. 267-278). Authors' version, Slides, Dataset, Citations, .
2003- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández-Cuervo, Hortensia (2003). Online self-assessment as a learning method. In Proceedings. The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2003. (pp. 254-255). IEEE. Authors' version, Extended version, .
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Cernuda-del-Río, Agustín; Gayo-Avello, José; Vinuesa-Martínez, Luis; García-Fernández, Néstor (2003). The cooperative web: a step towards web intelligence. In Web Engineering (pp. 441-444). Springer. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2003). A cooperative paradigm for fighting information overload. In Computer and Information Sciences-ISCIS 2003 (pp. 228-235). Springer. Authors' version.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Cueva Lovelle, Juan Manuel; Díaz Fondón, Marián; García Fuente, Mª Pilar Almudena; Redondo López, José Manuel (2003). Reflexiones y experiencias sobre la enseñanza de POO como único paradigma. In JENUI 2003 - IX Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Thomson. Authors' version, Slides.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2003). Los concursos de programación como herramienta didáctica. In JENUI 2003 - IX Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso.
2002- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez Gutiérrez, Darío (2002). The cooperative web: a complement to the semantic web. In Proceedings. 26th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference, 2002. COMPSAC 2002. (pp. 179-183). IEEE. Authors' version.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández Cuervo, Hortensia (2002). Enseñar informática es como.... In JENUI 2002 - VIII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández Cuervo, Hortensia; Torre Cervigón, Fernando (2002). La autoevaluación como método de aprendizaje. In JENUI 2002 - VIII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez Gutiérrez, Dario; Cueva Lovelle, Juan Manuel (2002). A concept-based retrieval tool: The cooperative Web. In Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2002. IADIS. Authors' version.
2001- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; López Pérez, Benjamín; Labra Gayo, José E. (2001). Desarrollo del portal web de la EU de Ingeniería Técnica en Informática de Oviedo. In VII Jornadas sobre la Enseñanza Universitaria en Informática. JENUI 2001. Actas del congreso. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; López Pérez, Benjamín; Labra Gayo, José E. (2001). Tecnologías web para proveedores de información dinámica. In Congreso Internacional Interacción Persona Ordenador. Interacción 2001. Actas del congreso. Authors' version.
2000- Suárez-Quirós, Javier; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; González-Cobas, Juán David; García-Díaz, Rafael Pedro; Álvarez-Peñín, Pedro Ignacio (2000). Integration of C++ digital processing libraries and VTK through Tcl/Tk dynamic loadable extensions. In Visualization Development Environments 2000 (VDE 2000). Authors' version.
- Suárez Quirós, J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; González Cobas, J.D.; García Díaz, R.P.; Álvarez Peñín, P.I. (2000). Desarrollo de un entorno de visualización 2D y 3D multiplataforma. In XIII Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería Gráfica (CIIG 2000). Actas del congreso. Authors' version.
Preprints and other publications


- González Hevia, Alejandro; Cerezo Menéndez, Rebeca and Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2019). Analyzing the use of existing systems for the CLPsych 2019 Shared Task. In CLPSYCH 2019. Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology Workshop. Author's version, Library source code.
2013- Mendoza, Marcelo; Poblete, Barbara; Bravo-Marquez, Felipe; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2013). Long-memory time series ensembles for concept shift detection. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Big Data, Streams and Heterogeneous Source Mining: Algorithms, Systems, Programming Models and Applications (pp. 23-30). ACM.
2012- Bravo-Marquez, Felipe; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Mendoza, Marcelo; Poblete, Barbara (2012). Opinion dynamics of elections in Twitter. In Web Congress (LA-WEB), 2012 Eighth Latin American (pp. 32-39). IEEE. Slides (by F. Bravo-Márquez), .
2011- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2011). All liaisons are dangerous when all your friends are known to us. In Proceedings of the 22nd ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia (pp. 171-180). ACM. CORE 2013 Rank: A, Preprint, Slides, Citations, , .
- Metaxas, Panagiotis Takis; Mustafaraj, Eni; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2011). How (not) to predict elections. In Privacy, security, risk and trust (PASSAT), 2011 IEEE third international conference on and 2011 IEEE third international conference on social computing (SocialCom) (pp. 165-171). IEEE. Authors' version, , .
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Metaxas, Panagiotis; Mustafaraj, Eni (2011). Limits of electoral predictions using Twitter. In Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media. Barcelona, Spain. AAAI. Authors' version, Citations, Poster, Poster cover.
2010- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Brenes, David J. (2010). Overcoming Spammers in Twitter -- A Tale of Five Algorithms. In I Congreso Español de Recuperación de Información. Actas del congreso. Extended version (arXiv), Slides, Citations.
- Brenes, David J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; García, Rodrigo (2010). On the fly query segmentation using snippets. In Proc. of CERI'10 (pp. 259-266). Extended version (arXiv).
2009- Brenes, David J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Pérez-González, Kilian (2009). Survey and evaluation of query intent detection methods. In Proceedings of the 2009 workshop on Web Search Click Data (pp. 1-7). ACM. Authors' version, Slides, Video, Dataset, Citations, .
- Fernández-Fernández, Miguel; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2009). Hierarchical Taxonomy Extraction by Mining Topical Query Sessions. In KDIR (pp. 229-235). Authors' version, Slides by M. Fernández-Fernández.
2008- Brenes, David J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2008). Automatic detection of navigational queries according to Behavioural Characteristics. In LWA (pp. 41-48). Authors' version.
2007- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Vázquez, Sonia Hevia; Torrente, María del Carmen Suárez; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2007). Un estudio sobre el absentismo y el abandono en asignaturas de programación. In XIII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Authors' version.
2005- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2005). Application of variable length n-gram vectors to monolingual and bilingual information retrieval. In Multilingual Information Access for Text, Speech and Images (pp. 73-82). Springer. Authors' version, Slides, Citations.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Vinuesa Martínez, Luis; Álvarez Fernández, Alberto Manuel; Luengo Díez, Mª Cándida (2005). Análisis de los hábitos de trabajo autónomo de los alumnos de cara al sistema de créditos ECTS. In JENUI 2005 - XI Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Thomson. Authors' version.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Labra Gayo, José E.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández Lanvin, Daniel (2005). Static Validation of Business Process Compatibility in Web Services Choreographies. In Engineering Service Compositions (WESC'05) (pp. 85).
2004- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2004). Naive algorithms for keyphrase extraction and text summarization from a single document inspired by the protein biosynthesis process. In Biologically Inspired Approaches to Advanced Information Technology (pp. 440-455). Springer. Authors' version, Slides, Citations, .
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2004). One Size Fits All? A Simple Technique to Perform Several NLP Tasks. In Advances in Natural Language Processing 4th International Conference, EsTAL 2004, J.L. Vicedo et al. (Eds.), LNAI 3230 (pp. 267-278). Authors' version, Slides, Dataset, Citations, .
2003- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández-Cuervo, Hortensia (2003). Online self-assessment as a learning method. In Proceedings. The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2003. (pp. 254-255). IEEE. Authors' version, Extended version, .
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Cernuda-del-Río, Agustín; Gayo-Avello, José; Vinuesa-Martínez, Luis; García-Fernández, Néstor (2003). The cooperative web: a step towards web intelligence. In Web Engineering (pp. 441-444). Springer. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2003). A cooperative paradigm for fighting information overload. In Computer and Information Sciences-ISCIS 2003 (pp. 228-235). Springer. Authors' version.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Cueva Lovelle, Juan Manuel; Díaz Fondón, Marián; García Fuente, Mª Pilar Almudena; Redondo López, José Manuel (2003). Reflexiones y experiencias sobre la enseñanza de POO como único paradigma. In JENUI 2003 - IX Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Thomson. Authors' version, Slides.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2003). Los concursos de programación como herramienta didáctica. In JENUI 2003 - IX Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso.
2002- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez Gutiérrez, Darío (2002). The cooperative web: a complement to the semantic web. In Proceedings. 26th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference, 2002. COMPSAC 2002. (pp. 179-183). IEEE. Authors' version.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández Cuervo, Hortensia (2002). Enseñar informática es como.... In JENUI 2002 - VIII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández Cuervo, Hortensia; Torre Cervigón, Fernando (2002). La autoevaluación como método de aprendizaje. In JENUI 2002 - VIII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez Gutiérrez, Dario; Cueva Lovelle, Juan Manuel (2002). A concept-based retrieval tool: The cooperative Web. In Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2002. IADIS. Authors' version.
2001- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; López Pérez, Benjamín; Labra Gayo, José E. (2001). Desarrollo del portal web de la EU de Ingeniería Técnica en Informática de Oviedo. In VII Jornadas sobre la Enseñanza Universitaria en Informática. JENUI 2001. Actas del congreso. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; López Pérez, Benjamín; Labra Gayo, José E. (2001). Tecnologías web para proveedores de información dinámica. In Congreso Internacional Interacción Persona Ordenador. Interacción 2001. Actas del congreso. Authors' version.
2000- Suárez-Quirós, Javier; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; González-Cobas, Juán David; García-Díaz, Rafael Pedro; Álvarez-Peñín, Pedro Ignacio (2000). Integration of C++ digital processing libraries and VTK through Tcl/Tk dynamic loadable extensions. In Visualization Development Environments 2000 (VDE 2000). Authors' version.
- Suárez Quirós, J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; González Cobas, J.D.; García Díaz, R.P.; Álvarez Peñín, P.I. (2000). Desarrollo de un entorno de visualización 2D y 3D multiplataforma. In XIII Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería Gráfica (CIIG 2000). Actas del congreso. Authors' version.
Preprints and other publications
- Bravo-Marquez, Felipe; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Mendoza, Marcelo; Poblete, Barbara (2012). Opinion dynamics of elections in Twitter. In Web Congress (LA-WEB), 2012 Eighth Latin American (pp. 32-39). IEEE. Slides (by F. Bravo-Márquez),
2011- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2011). All liaisons are dangerous when all your friends are known to us. In Proceedings of the 22nd ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia (pp. 171-180). ACM. CORE 2013 Rank: A, Preprint, Slides, Citations, , .
- Metaxas, Panagiotis Takis; Mustafaraj, Eni; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2011). How (not) to predict elections. In Privacy, security, risk and trust (PASSAT), 2011 IEEE third international conference on and 2011 IEEE third international conference on social computing (SocialCom) (pp. 165-171). IEEE. Authors' version, , .
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Metaxas, Panagiotis; Mustafaraj, Eni (2011). Limits of electoral predictions using Twitter. In Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media. Barcelona, Spain. AAAI. Authors' version, Citations, Poster, Poster cover.
2010- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Brenes, David J. (2010). Overcoming Spammers in Twitter -- A Tale of Five Algorithms. In I Congreso Español de Recuperación de Información. Actas del congreso. Extended version (arXiv), Slides, Citations.
- Brenes, David J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; García, Rodrigo (2010). On the fly query segmentation using snippets. In Proc. of CERI'10 (pp. 259-266). Extended version (arXiv).
2009- Brenes, David J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Pérez-González, Kilian (2009). Survey and evaluation of query intent detection methods. In Proceedings of the 2009 workshop on Web Search Click Data (pp. 1-7). ACM. Authors' version, Slides, Video, Dataset, Citations, .
- Fernández-Fernández, Miguel; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2009). Hierarchical Taxonomy Extraction by Mining Topical Query Sessions. In KDIR (pp. 229-235). Authors' version, Slides by M. Fernández-Fernández.
2008- Brenes, David J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2008). Automatic detection of navigational queries according to Behavioural Characteristics. In LWA (pp. 41-48). Authors' version.
2007- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Vázquez, Sonia Hevia; Torrente, María del Carmen Suárez; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2007). Un estudio sobre el absentismo y el abandono en asignaturas de programación. In XIII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Authors' version.
2005- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2005). Application of variable length n-gram vectors to monolingual and bilingual information retrieval. In Multilingual Information Access for Text, Speech and Images (pp. 73-82). Springer. Authors' version, Slides, Citations.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Vinuesa Martínez, Luis; Álvarez Fernández, Alberto Manuel; Luengo Díez, Mª Cándida (2005). Análisis de los hábitos de trabajo autónomo de los alumnos de cara al sistema de créditos ECTS. In JENUI 2005 - XI Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Thomson. Authors' version.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Labra Gayo, José E.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández Lanvin, Daniel (2005). Static Validation of Business Process Compatibility in Web Services Choreographies. In Engineering Service Compositions (WESC'05) (pp. 85).
2004- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2004). Naive algorithms for keyphrase extraction and text summarization from a single document inspired by the protein biosynthesis process. In Biologically Inspired Approaches to Advanced Information Technology (pp. 440-455). Springer. Authors' version, Slides, Citations, .
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2004). One Size Fits All? A Simple Technique to Perform Several NLP Tasks. In Advances in Natural Language Processing 4th International Conference, EsTAL 2004, J.L. Vicedo et al. (Eds.), LNAI 3230 (pp. 267-278). Authors' version, Slides, Dataset, Citations, .
2003- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández-Cuervo, Hortensia (2003). Online self-assessment as a learning method. In Proceedings. The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2003. (pp. 254-255). IEEE. Authors' version, Extended version, .
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Cernuda-del-Río, Agustín; Gayo-Avello, José; Vinuesa-Martínez, Luis; García-Fernández, Néstor (2003). The cooperative web: a step towards web intelligence. In Web Engineering (pp. 441-444). Springer. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2003). A cooperative paradigm for fighting information overload. In Computer and Information Sciences-ISCIS 2003 (pp. 228-235). Springer. Authors' version.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Cueva Lovelle, Juan Manuel; Díaz Fondón, Marián; García Fuente, Mª Pilar Almudena; Redondo López, José Manuel (2003). Reflexiones y experiencias sobre la enseñanza de POO como único paradigma. In JENUI 2003 - IX Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Thomson. Authors' version, Slides.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2003). Los concursos de programación como herramienta didáctica. In JENUI 2003 - IX Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso.
2002- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez Gutiérrez, Darío (2002). The cooperative web: a complement to the semantic web. In Proceedings. 26th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference, 2002. COMPSAC 2002. (pp. 179-183). IEEE. Authors' version.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández Cuervo, Hortensia (2002). Enseñar informática es como.... In JENUI 2002 - VIII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández Cuervo, Hortensia; Torre Cervigón, Fernando (2002). La autoevaluación como método de aprendizaje. In JENUI 2002 - VIII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez Gutiérrez, Dario; Cueva Lovelle, Juan Manuel (2002). A concept-based retrieval tool: The cooperative Web. In Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2002. IADIS. Authors' version.
2001- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; López Pérez, Benjamín; Labra Gayo, José E. (2001). Desarrollo del portal web de la EU de Ingeniería Técnica en Informática de Oviedo. In VII Jornadas sobre la Enseñanza Universitaria en Informática. JENUI 2001. Actas del congreso. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; López Pérez, Benjamín; Labra Gayo, José E. (2001). Tecnologías web para proveedores de información dinámica. In Congreso Internacional Interacción Persona Ordenador. Interacción 2001. Actas del congreso. Authors' version.
2000- Suárez-Quirós, Javier; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; González-Cobas, Juán David; García-Díaz, Rafael Pedro; Álvarez-Peñín, Pedro Ignacio (2000). Integration of C++ digital processing libraries and VTK through Tcl/Tk dynamic loadable extensions. In Visualization Development Environments 2000 (VDE 2000). Authors' version.
- Suárez Quirós, J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; González Cobas, J.D.; García Díaz, R.P.; Álvarez Peñín, P.I. (2000). Desarrollo de un entorno de visualización 2D y 3D multiplataforma. In XIII Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería Gráfica (CIIG 2000). Actas del congreso. Authors' version.
Preprints and other publications


- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Brenes, David J. (2010). Overcoming Spammers in Twitter -- A Tale of Five Algorithms. In I Congreso Español de Recuperación de Información. Actas del congreso. Extended version (arXiv), Slides, Citations.
- Brenes, David J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; García, Rodrigo (2010). On the fly query segmentation using snippets. In Proc. of CERI'10 (pp. 259-266). Extended version (arXiv).
2009- Brenes, David J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Pérez-González, Kilian (2009). Survey and evaluation of query intent detection methods. In Proceedings of the 2009 workshop on Web Search Click Data (pp. 1-7). ACM. Authors' version, Slides, Video, Dataset, Citations, .
- Fernández-Fernández, Miguel; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2009). Hierarchical Taxonomy Extraction by Mining Topical Query Sessions. In KDIR (pp. 229-235). Authors' version, Slides by M. Fernández-Fernández.
2008- Brenes, David J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2008). Automatic detection of navigational queries according to Behavioural Characteristics. In LWA (pp. 41-48). Authors' version.
2007- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Vázquez, Sonia Hevia; Torrente, María del Carmen Suárez; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2007). Un estudio sobre el absentismo y el abandono en asignaturas de programación. In XIII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Authors' version.
2005- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2005). Application of variable length n-gram vectors to monolingual and bilingual information retrieval. In Multilingual Information Access for Text, Speech and Images (pp. 73-82). Springer. Authors' version, Slides, Citations.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Vinuesa Martínez, Luis; Álvarez Fernández, Alberto Manuel; Luengo Díez, Mª Cándida (2005). Análisis de los hábitos de trabajo autónomo de los alumnos de cara al sistema de créditos ECTS. In JENUI 2005 - XI Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Thomson. Authors' version.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Labra Gayo, José E.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández Lanvin, Daniel (2005). Static Validation of Business Process Compatibility in Web Services Choreographies. In Engineering Service Compositions (WESC'05) (pp. 85).
2004- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2004). Naive algorithms for keyphrase extraction and text summarization from a single document inspired by the protein biosynthesis process. In Biologically Inspired Approaches to Advanced Information Technology (pp. 440-455). Springer. Authors' version, Slides, Citations, .
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2004). One Size Fits All? A Simple Technique to Perform Several NLP Tasks. In Advances in Natural Language Processing 4th International Conference, EsTAL 2004, J.L. Vicedo et al. (Eds.), LNAI 3230 (pp. 267-278). Authors' version, Slides, Dataset, Citations, .
2003- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández-Cuervo, Hortensia (2003). Online self-assessment as a learning method. In Proceedings. The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2003. (pp. 254-255). IEEE. Authors' version, Extended version, .
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Cernuda-del-Río, Agustín; Gayo-Avello, José; Vinuesa-Martínez, Luis; García-Fernández, Néstor (2003). The cooperative web: a step towards web intelligence. In Web Engineering (pp. 441-444). Springer. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2003). A cooperative paradigm for fighting information overload. In Computer and Information Sciences-ISCIS 2003 (pp. 228-235). Springer. Authors' version.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Cueva Lovelle, Juan Manuel; Díaz Fondón, Marián; García Fuente, Mª Pilar Almudena; Redondo López, José Manuel (2003). Reflexiones y experiencias sobre la enseñanza de POO como único paradigma. In JENUI 2003 - IX Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Thomson. Authors' version, Slides.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2003). Los concursos de programación como herramienta didáctica. In JENUI 2003 - IX Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso.
2002- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez Gutiérrez, Darío (2002). The cooperative web: a complement to the semantic web. In Proceedings. 26th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference, 2002. COMPSAC 2002. (pp. 179-183). IEEE. Authors' version.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández Cuervo, Hortensia (2002). Enseñar informática es como.... In JENUI 2002 - VIII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández Cuervo, Hortensia; Torre Cervigón, Fernando (2002). La autoevaluación como método de aprendizaje. In JENUI 2002 - VIII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez Gutiérrez, Dario; Cueva Lovelle, Juan Manuel (2002). A concept-based retrieval tool: The cooperative Web. In Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2002. IADIS. Authors' version.
2001- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; López Pérez, Benjamín; Labra Gayo, José E. (2001). Desarrollo del portal web de la EU de Ingeniería Técnica en Informática de Oviedo. In VII Jornadas sobre la Enseñanza Universitaria en Informática. JENUI 2001. Actas del congreso. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; López Pérez, Benjamín; Labra Gayo, José E. (2001). Tecnologías web para proveedores de información dinámica. In Congreso Internacional Interacción Persona Ordenador. Interacción 2001. Actas del congreso. Authors' version.
2000- Suárez-Quirós, Javier; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; González-Cobas, Juán David; García-Díaz, Rafael Pedro; Álvarez-Peñín, Pedro Ignacio (2000). Integration of C++ digital processing libraries and VTK through Tcl/Tk dynamic loadable extensions. In Visualization Development Environments 2000 (VDE 2000). Authors' version.
- Suárez Quirós, J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; González Cobas, J.D.; García Díaz, R.P.; Álvarez Peñín, P.I. (2000). Desarrollo de un entorno de visualización 2D y 3D multiplataforma. In XIII Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería Gráfica (CIIG 2000). Actas del congreso. Authors' version.
Preprints and other publications

- Brenes, David J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2008). Automatic detection of navigational queries according to Behavioural Characteristics. In LWA (pp. 41-48). Authors' version.
2007- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Vázquez, Sonia Hevia; Torrente, María del Carmen Suárez; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2007). Un estudio sobre el absentismo y el abandono en asignaturas de programación. In XIII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Authors' version.
2005- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2005). Application of variable length n-gram vectors to monolingual and bilingual information retrieval. In Multilingual Information Access for Text, Speech and Images (pp. 73-82). Springer. Authors' version, Slides, Citations.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Vinuesa Martínez, Luis; Álvarez Fernández, Alberto Manuel; Luengo Díez, Mª Cándida (2005). Análisis de los hábitos de trabajo autónomo de los alumnos de cara al sistema de créditos ECTS. In JENUI 2005 - XI Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Thomson. Authors' version.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Labra Gayo, José E.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández Lanvin, Daniel (2005). Static Validation of Business Process Compatibility in Web Services Choreographies. In Engineering Service Compositions (WESC'05) (pp. 85).
2004- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2004). Naive algorithms for keyphrase extraction and text summarization from a single document inspired by the protein biosynthesis process. In Biologically Inspired Approaches to Advanced Information Technology (pp. 440-455). Springer. Authors' version, Slides, Citations, .
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2004). One Size Fits All? A Simple Technique to Perform Several NLP Tasks. In Advances in Natural Language Processing 4th International Conference, EsTAL 2004, J.L. Vicedo et al. (Eds.), LNAI 3230 (pp. 267-278). Authors' version, Slides, Dataset, Citations, .
2003- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández-Cuervo, Hortensia (2003). Online self-assessment as a learning method. In Proceedings. The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2003. (pp. 254-255). IEEE. Authors' version, Extended version, .
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Cernuda-del-Río, Agustín; Gayo-Avello, José; Vinuesa-Martínez, Luis; García-Fernández, Néstor (2003). The cooperative web: a step towards web intelligence. In Web Engineering (pp. 441-444). Springer. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2003). A cooperative paradigm for fighting information overload. In Computer and Information Sciences-ISCIS 2003 (pp. 228-235). Springer. Authors' version.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Cueva Lovelle, Juan Manuel; Díaz Fondón, Marián; García Fuente, Mª Pilar Almudena; Redondo López, José Manuel (2003). Reflexiones y experiencias sobre la enseñanza de POO como único paradigma. In JENUI 2003 - IX Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Thomson. Authors' version, Slides.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2003). Los concursos de programación como herramienta didáctica. In JENUI 2003 - IX Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso.
2002- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez Gutiérrez, Darío (2002). The cooperative web: a complement to the semantic web. In Proceedings. 26th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference, 2002. COMPSAC 2002. (pp. 179-183). IEEE. Authors' version.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández Cuervo, Hortensia (2002). Enseñar informática es como.... In JENUI 2002 - VIII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández Cuervo, Hortensia; Torre Cervigón, Fernando (2002). La autoevaluación como método de aprendizaje. In JENUI 2002 - VIII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez Gutiérrez, Dario; Cueva Lovelle, Juan Manuel (2002). A concept-based retrieval tool: The cooperative Web. In Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2002. IADIS. Authors' version.
2001- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; López Pérez, Benjamín; Labra Gayo, José E. (2001). Desarrollo del portal web de la EU de Ingeniería Técnica en Informática de Oviedo. In VII Jornadas sobre la Enseñanza Universitaria en Informática. JENUI 2001. Actas del congreso. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; López Pérez, Benjamín; Labra Gayo, José E. (2001). Tecnologías web para proveedores de información dinámica. In Congreso Internacional Interacción Persona Ordenador. Interacción 2001. Actas del congreso. Authors' version.
2000- Suárez-Quirós, Javier; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; González-Cobas, Juán David; García-Díaz, Rafael Pedro; Álvarez-Peñín, Pedro Ignacio (2000). Integration of C++ digital processing libraries and VTK through Tcl/Tk dynamic loadable extensions. In Visualization Development Environments 2000 (VDE 2000). Authors' version.
- Suárez Quirós, J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; González Cobas, J.D.; García Díaz, R.P.; Álvarez Peñín, P.I. (2000). Desarrollo de un entorno de visualización 2D y 3D multiplataforma. In XIII Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería Gráfica (CIIG 2000). Actas del congreso. Authors' version.
Preprints and other publications
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2005). Application of variable length n-gram vectors to monolingual and bilingual information retrieval. In Multilingual Information Access for Text, Speech and Images (pp. 73-82). Springer. Authors' version, Slides, Citations.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Vinuesa Martínez, Luis; Álvarez Fernández, Alberto Manuel; Luengo Díez, Mª Cándida (2005). Análisis de los hábitos de trabajo autónomo de los alumnos de cara al sistema de créditos ECTS. In JENUI 2005 - XI Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Thomson. Authors' version.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Labra Gayo, José E.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández Lanvin, Daniel (2005). Static Validation of Business Process Compatibility in Web Services Choreographies. In Engineering Service Compositions (WESC'05) (pp. 85).
2004- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2004). Naive algorithms for keyphrase extraction and text summarization from a single document inspired by the protein biosynthesis process. In Biologically Inspired Approaches to Advanced Information Technology (pp. 440-455). Springer. Authors' version, Slides, Citations, .
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2004). One Size Fits All? A Simple Technique to Perform Several NLP Tasks. In Advances in Natural Language Processing 4th International Conference, EsTAL 2004, J.L. Vicedo et al. (Eds.), LNAI 3230 (pp. 267-278). Authors' version, Slides, Dataset, Citations, .
2003- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández-Cuervo, Hortensia (2003). Online self-assessment as a learning method. In Proceedings. The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2003. (pp. 254-255). IEEE. Authors' version, Extended version, .
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Cernuda-del-Río, Agustín; Gayo-Avello, José; Vinuesa-Martínez, Luis; García-Fernández, Néstor (2003). The cooperative web: a step towards web intelligence. In Web Engineering (pp. 441-444). Springer. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2003). A cooperative paradigm for fighting information overload. In Computer and Information Sciences-ISCIS 2003 (pp. 228-235). Springer. Authors' version.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Cueva Lovelle, Juan Manuel; Díaz Fondón, Marián; García Fuente, Mª Pilar Almudena; Redondo López, José Manuel (2003). Reflexiones y experiencias sobre la enseñanza de POO como único paradigma. In JENUI 2003 - IX Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Thomson. Authors' version, Slides.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2003). Los concursos de programación como herramienta didáctica. In JENUI 2003 - IX Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso.
2002- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez Gutiérrez, Darío (2002). The cooperative web: a complement to the semantic web. In Proceedings. 26th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference, 2002. COMPSAC 2002. (pp. 179-183). IEEE. Authors' version.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández Cuervo, Hortensia (2002). Enseñar informática es como.... In JENUI 2002 - VIII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández Cuervo, Hortensia; Torre Cervigón, Fernando (2002). La autoevaluación como método de aprendizaje. In JENUI 2002 - VIII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez Gutiérrez, Dario; Cueva Lovelle, Juan Manuel (2002). A concept-based retrieval tool: The cooperative Web. In Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2002. IADIS. Authors' version.
2001- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; López Pérez, Benjamín; Labra Gayo, José E. (2001). Desarrollo del portal web de la EU de Ingeniería Técnica en Informática de Oviedo. In VII Jornadas sobre la Enseñanza Universitaria en Informática. JENUI 2001. Actas del congreso. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; López Pérez, Benjamín; Labra Gayo, José E. (2001). Tecnologías web para proveedores de información dinámica. In Congreso Internacional Interacción Persona Ordenador. Interacción 2001. Actas del congreso. Authors' version.
2000- Suárez-Quirós, Javier; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; González-Cobas, Juán David; García-Díaz, Rafael Pedro; Álvarez-Peñín, Pedro Ignacio (2000). Integration of C++ digital processing libraries and VTK through Tcl/Tk dynamic loadable extensions. In Visualization Development Environments 2000 (VDE 2000). Authors' version.
- Suárez Quirós, J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; González Cobas, J.D.; García Díaz, R.P.; Álvarez Peñín, P.I. (2000). Desarrollo de un entorno de visualización 2D y 3D multiplataforma. In XIII Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería Gráfica (CIIG 2000). Actas del congreso. Authors' version.
Preprints and other publications


- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández-Cuervo, Hortensia (2003). Online self-assessment as a learning method. In Proceedings. The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2003. (pp. 254-255). IEEE. Authors' version, Extended version,
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Cernuda-del-Río, Agustín; Gayo-Avello, José; Vinuesa-Martínez, Luis; García-Fernández, Néstor (2003). The cooperative web: a step towards web intelligence. In Web Engineering (pp. 441-444). Springer. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Darío; Gayo-Avello, José (2003). A cooperative paradigm for fighting information overload. In Computer and Information Sciences-ISCIS 2003 (pp. 228-235). Springer. Authors' version.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Cueva Lovelle, Juan Manuel; Díaz Fondón, Marián; García Fuente, Mª Pilar Almudena; Redondo López, José Manuel (2003). Reflexiones y experiencias sobre la enseñanza de POO como único paradigma. In JENUI 2003 - IX Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Thomson. Authors' version, Slides.
- Cernuda del Río, Agustín; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2003). Los concursos de programación como herramienta didáctica. In JENUI 2003 - IX Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso.
2002- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez Gutiérrez, Darío (2002). The cooperative web: a complement to the semantic web. In Proceedings. 26th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference, 2002. COMPSAC 2002. (pp. 179-183). IEEE. Authors' version.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández Cuervo, Hortensia (2002). Enseñar informática es como.... In JENUI 2002 - VIII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Fernández Cuervo, Hortensia; Torre Cervigón, Fernando (2002). La autoevaluación como método de aprendizaje. In JENUI 2002 - VIII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática. Actas del congreso. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Álvarez Gutiérrez, Dario; Cueva Lovelle, Juan Manuel (2002). A concept-based retrieval tool: The cooperative Web. In Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2002. IADIS. Authors' version.
2001- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; López Pérez, Benjamín; Labra Gayo, José E. (2001). Desarrollo del portal web de la EU de Ingeniería Técnica en Informática de Oviedo. In VII Jornadas sobre la Enseñanza Universitaria en Informática. JENUI 2001. Actas del congreso. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; López Pérez, Benjamín; Labra Gayo, José E. (2001). Tecnologías web para proveedores de información dinámica. In Congreso Internacional Interacción Persona Ordenador. Interacción 2001. Actas del congreso. Authors' version.
2000- Suárez-Quirós, Javier; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; González-Cobas, Juán David; García-Díaz, Rafael Pedro; Álvarez-Peñín, Pedro Ignacio (2000). Integration of C++ digital processing libraries and VTK through Tcl/Tk dynamic loadable extensions. In Visualization Development Environments 2000 (VDE 2000). Authors' version.
- Suárez Quirós, J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; González Cobas, J.D.; García Díaz, R.P.; Álvarez Peñín, P.I. (2000). Desarrollo de un entorno de visualización 2D y 3D multiplataforma. In XIII Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería Gráfica (CIIG 2000). Actas del congreso. Authors' version.
Preprints and other publications
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; López Pérez, Benjamín; Labra Gayo, José E. (2001). Desarrollo del portal web de la EU de Ingeniería Técnica en Informática de Oviedo. In VII Jornadas sobre la Enseñanza Universitaria en Informática. JENUI 2001. Actas del congreso. Authors' version, Slides.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; López Pérez, Benjamín; Labra Gayo, José E. (2001). Tecnologías web para proveedores de información dinámica. In Congreso Internacional Interacción Persona Ordenador. Interacción 2001. Actas del congreso. Authors' version.
2000- Suárez-Quirós, Javier; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; González-Cobas, Juán David; García-Díaz, Rafael Pedro; Álvarez-Peñín, Pedro Ignacio (2000). Integration of C++ digital processing libraries and VTK through Tcl/Tk dynamic loadable extensions. In Visualization Development Environments 2000 (VDE 2000). Authors' version.
- Suárez Quirós, J.; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; González Cobas, J.D.; García Díaz, R.P.; Álvarez Peñín, P.I. (2000). Desarrollo de un entorno de visualización 2D y 3D multiplataforma. In XIII Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería Gráfica (CIIG 2000). Actas del congreso. Authors' version.
Preprints and other publications
This is a selection of interesting but unpublished preprints in addition to other types of publications. The whole lot is available at arXiv.
2023- Capdevila Gómez, A; Casero-Ripollés, A; Cozzo, E; Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Gerbaudo, P; Guerrero-Solé, F; Mas-Manchón, L; Moragas-Fernández, CM; Perales-García, C; Pérez Altable, L; Prignano, L; Ruiz Collantes, FX; Sánchez-Meza, M; Sorribas i Sort, A; Suau-Gomila, G; Virós i Martín, C (2023). Populismo de extrema derecha y redes sociales: ¿el futuro de la democracia en juego?. Colección Editorial Communication Reports 01.
2022- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Jungherr, Andreas; Rivero, Gonzalo (2022). "Social Media and Electoral Prediction: Ten Years After". SocArXiv preprint sqeg8.
- González-Hevia, Alejandro; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2022). Leveraging Wikidata's edit history in knowledge graph refinement tasks. arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.15495.
2016- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2016). How I Stopped Worrying about the Twitter Archive at the Library of Congress and Learned to Build a Little One for Myself. arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.08144. ,
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2016). Social Media and Authoritarianism. SSRN Preprint.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2016). Politics and Social Media. Unpublished book.
2015- Fernandez-Fernandez, Miguel & Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2015). Automatic Taxonomy Extraction from Query Logs with no Additional Sources of Information. arXiv preprint arXiv:1510.00618. .
2012- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2012). "I Wanted to Predict Elections with Twitter and all I got was this Lousy Paper" -- A Balanced Survey on Election Prediction using Twitter Data. arXiv preprint arXiv:1204.6441. Citations, .
2009- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Brenes, David J. (2009). Making the road by searching -- A search engine based on Swarm Information Foraging. arXiv preprint arXiv:0911.3979. Citations, .
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Jungherr, Andreas; Rivero, Gonzalo (2022). "Social Media and Electoral Prediction: Ten Years After". SocArXiv preprint sqeg8.
- González-Hevia, Alejandro; Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2022). Leveraging Wikidata's edit history in knowledge graph refinement tasks. arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.15495.
2016- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2016). How I Stopped Worrying about the Twitter Archive at the Library of Congress and Learned to Build a Little One for Myself. arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.08144. ,
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2016). Social Media and Authoritarianism. SSRN Preprint.
- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2016). Politics and Social Media. Unpublished book.
2015- Fernandez-Fernandez, Miguel & Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2015). Automatic Taxonomy Extraction from Query Logs with no Additional Sources of Information. arXiv preprint arXiv:1510.00618. .
2012- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2012). "I Wanted to Predict Elections with Twitter and all I got was this Lousy Paper" -- A Balanced Survey on Election Prediction using Twitter Data. arXiv preprint arXiv:1204.6441. Citations, .
2009- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Brenes, David J. (2009). Making the road by searching -- A search engine based on Swarm Information Foraging. arXiv preprint arXiv:0911.3979. Citations, .



- Fernandez-Fernandez, Miguel & Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2015). Automatic Taxonomy Extraction from Query Logs with no Additional Sources of Information. arXiv preprint arXiv:1510.00618. .
2012- Gayo-Avello, Daniel (2012). "I Wanted to Predict Elections with Twitter and all I got was this Lousy Paper" -- A Balanced Survey on Election Prediction using Twitter Data. arXiv preprint arXiv:1204.6441. Citations, .
2009- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Brenes, David J. (2009). Making the road by searching -- A search engine based on Swarm Information Foraging. arXiv preprint arXiv:0911.3979. Citations, .

- Gayo-Avello, Daniel; Brenes, David J. (2009). Making the road by searching -- A search engine based on Swarm Information Foraging. arXiv preprint arXiv:0911.3979. Citations, .